Executive Director’s Message

Posted December 2, 2011 by Mandy Smith in , ,

The Resource Center for Independent Living, Inc. (RCIL) is proud to announce that it was recently added to the state-approved list of Financial Management Services (FMS) providers. FMS is a restructured service developed by the Kansas Department on Aging (KDOA) and the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) to change the way payroll services for Home and Community-Based Service (HCBS) Medicaid waivers are operated.

In the past payroll providers, such as RCIL, received one amount for providing administrative services and wages for personal care attendants (PCAs), now known as direct support workers (DSWs), and this new service, which started November 1, 2011 separates the administrative fee paid to payroll providers, and the wages DSWs receive.

What does this mean for individuals who receive payroll services? Nothing has changed for consumers at this point. All consumers are offered the choice of which of the approved FMS providers they want to provide their payroll services. Targeted Case Managers from RCIL and other providers have been busy visiting consumers to explain FMS and complete the necessary paperwork including a new FMS provider choice form and plan of care.

Questions? Please call one of our FMS Specialists at 800-580-7245 or the RCIL staff person you are already work with.

Mandy Smith

Mandy has worked at RCIL since June of 2009. She is a Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist and provides services in 32 counties to individuals who are blind or have low vision and are 55 years and older.

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