Programs and Services
Topeka – The Resource Center for Independent Living, Inc. (RCIL) recently received state and federal awards to provide its “Core Services” to individuals with disabilities in Shawnee County. Shawnee County is being added to RCIL’s current fifteen county service area throughout Eastern Kansas. Core Services include: Information and Referral Service; Advocacy; Independent Living Skills Training;…
Read ArticleRCIL understands how important it is for people with disabilities to have a safe and accessible home. Sometimes even a small item can make a big difference between moving to an institution or remaining independent in the community. We have a limited number of FREE grab bars, special door hinges, and doorknob adapters available for…
Read ArticleDid you know RCIL has a PEER program? PEER stands for Peers Empowering Each (other) Responsibly. So what does this mean? RCIL has people with disabilities on staff, Peer Specialists, who work with our consumers (who have disabilities). The Peer Specialist assists the consumer with setting up an independent living plan and helping the person…
Read ArticleDid you know RCIL offers Braille translation? As a service to consumers, partner agencies, and businesses, RCIL has the equipment and software to transcribe and produce documents in Braille. RCIL offers: free quotes, no set up fees, no minimum number of copies, free shipping, multiple languages, most files types accepted, multiple binding options, Interpoint or…
Read ArticleRCIL offers five core services to individuals with disabilities, their families, and their community. The five Core Services are: Advocacy, Peer Counseling, Independent Living Skills Training, Information and Referral, and Deinstitutionalization/Youth Transition Services. These services are free of charge to individuals across all ages and disabilities that live in Allen, Anderson, Bourbon, Butler, Chase, Coffey,…
Read ArticleThe Kansas Youth Empowerment Academy is partnering with the Resource Center for Independent Living and bringing our Empower Me! Series “It’s My Life!” Workshop to Osage City and surrounding area youth! This is simply a one-day, weekend workshop that will help youth with disabilities learn how to live independently, make good decisions, and take charge…
Read ArticleMandy Smith, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist, will be presenting at the Chase County Health Department on May 1st. The presentation will begin at 1:00pm and last approximately an hour. Mandy will be explaining what the iKan-RCIL program does and the services it provides along with showing pieces of assistive technology. Anyone who has a vision…
Read ArticleiKan-RCIL will be hosting a low vision fair in Fort Scott on April 2nd. The fair will consist of Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Foulk speaking about eye health, diseases and conditions along with Audio Reader, Talking Books, Assistive Technology for Kansans (ATK), and iKan-RCIL speaking about their program and services. Assistive technology equipment will be available for hands-on demonstrations.…
Read ArticleThe Resource Center for Independent Living (RCIL) is celebrating the 23rd Anniversary of the signing of the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) at several events and locations throughout the month of July. When President Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law –the world’s first comprehensive civil rights law for people with disabilities– in…
Read ArticleMark your calendar! The Assistive Technology for Kansans (ATK) AT Expo for 2012 will be on September 27th from 1:00pm to 7:00pm and September 28th 7:30am to 4:00pm. The 2 day event will be held in Wichita this year at the Wichita Hyatt – Century II. The theme for this year’s AT Expo is “Imagine…
Read ArticleDue to home and community based services, Ross is able to live at his own home. Watch this video as he tells his own story.
Read ArticleKansas AuthentiCare/Electronic Visit Verification(EVV) will begin for all waiver services including Personal Services and Sleep Cycle Support for the Physically Disabled(PD) and Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI) waivers effective Sunday, March 4, 2012. Please make certain that RCIL (or your FMS provider) has your correct telephone and/or cell phone numbers. Please report any updates to an RCIL…
Read ArticleThe State of Kansas has delayed the start of the KS Authenticare (also known as electronic visit verification or EVV) for “Personal Services” through the PD and TBI waivers. We will notify you with the new start date as soon as we receive it from the state. EVV for “Sleep Cycle Support” will start on…
Read ArticleIn a reversal of the previous decision to delay Kansas AuthentiCare/EVV implementation, the latest word from KDOA/SRS is that EVV will be implemented as originally planned on 1/9/2012. We will strive to keep you updated if there are further changes. Please check our website to stay informed.
Read ArticleTHIS INFORMATION HAS CHANGED PLEASE CHECK OUT THIS LINK FOR ACCURATE INFORMATION! It was just announced (the evening of 12/29) that KDOA and SRS have decided to delay the implementation of Kansas AuthentiCare/EVV until 6:00am January 16th, 2012. This change is to allow more time for providers, consumers, and Direct Support Workers to prepare…
Read ArticleIn Kansas (and several other states), certain people may be income-eligible to receive a free cell phone and limited minutes at no cost. If you are not currently enrolled in another Lifeline program (meaning discounted land-line service, NOT the Personal Emergency Response System) and you, or someone in your household, receive any of the…
Read ArticleKDOA and SRS announced on the evening of Dec. 29th they have decided to change the launch date for Kansas AuthentiCare/EVV to January 16, 2012 at 6:00am The new year is bringing with it new procedures for our consumers who are on Home and Community-Based Services. The state is replacing the current paper time and…
Read ArticleStarting January 1, 2012 everyone will be busy filing their 2011 Income taxes, Homestead tax refund, and/or Food Sales tax refund. The deadline to file is April 17, 2012. Independent Living Specialists (ILS) at RCIL will be available to teach consumers that are interested to learn how to file their Homestead tax refund and…
Read ArticleThe Resource Center for Independent Living also houses the North East Kansas access site for Assistive Technology for Kansans(ATK) and the Kansas Equipment Exchange(KEE). Both of these programs help people with disabilities obtain needed assistive technology(AT) and medical equipment. Assistive technology is a device or service that is used to increase the level of…
Read ArticleYesterday Gov. Sam Brownback and Lt. Gov. Jeff Colyer unveiled sweeping changes to the Kansas Medicaid program. These changes were a part of the Governor’s “Roadmap” and took on one of the three big areas he wanted to tackle along with KPERS and Education. Beginning in January of 2013 all Medicaid recipients will be under…
Read ArticleOn March 10, The Resource Center for Independent Living hosted a Legislative Breakfast to provide education to our elected state officials on Centers for Independent Living. RCIL’s Executive Director, Chad Wilkins explains how Centers for Independent Living save Kansas money and the amazing things RCIL is doing for Kansans with disabilities. The following videos showcase…
Read ArticleThis blog was written by Mandy Smith, an RCIL Staff member, who recently became an O&M Specialist. She has been working with RCIL since June 2009. In August of this year, I applied for a new position at RCIL. When I found out I had the position, I was so excited I went and told…
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