Interviews to help with HCBS outcomes
Posted February 15, 2022 by Mandy Smith in Consumer Opportunities, Independent Living
Rehabilitation and Research Training Center on HCBS Outcome Measurement along with the Institute of Community Integration from the University of Minnesota are looking for research participants for interviews.
They are testing measures to improve person-centered Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) outcomes for people with disabilities.
Getting services at home or in the community is important for people with disabilities. Providers strive to provide the best services possible to the people they serve. To improve services, we need to know how well they are working for the people who receive them. The Research and Training Center on HCBS Outcome Measurement (RTC/OM) at the Institute on Community Integration has developed measures that include questions about how well Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) are helping people with a variety of disabilities live the lives they want. We need the help of people with disabilities to make sure the measures provide valuable information and their results can be used to improve services. In this research study, interviewers will meet over videoconference (Zoom) with people with disabilities or in person, to ask questions about their services and important areas of their lives (e.g., social connectedness; meaningful activities). Each person taking part will be interviewed at three separate times over a year period. Everyone interviewed will receive a $10 gift card for each interview.
To take part, a person must:
- Be 18 years of age or older.
- Be getting services from the TBI Waiver, PD Waiver, I/DD Waiver, FE Waiver or Working Healthy/WORK
- Provide consent or assent (if not own legal guardian) for participation in the research study.
- Be willing to take part in at least one 60-90 minute interview.
If you think you might be interested or have questions about this work please contact: Noelle Kurth at the University of Kansas (KU)
Phone: (785) 864-7085 Email:
This research study is overseen by co-directors of the Research and Training Center on HCBS Outcome Measurement, Dr. Brian Abery ( and Dr. Renáta Tichá ( at the University of Minnesota Institute on Community Integration.