RCIL’s Build a Ramp Campaign
Since 1984, the Resource Center for Independent Living (RCIL) has been committed to working with individuals, families, and communities to promote independent living and individual choice to persons with disabilities. In 2008, 2,047 people in 48 counties in Kansas utilized RCIL’s programs and services. During that work we recognized that many people with disabilities cannot safely leave their home which substantially reduces their independence. To overcome that barrier RCIL introduced the Build a Ramp Program to repair or construct accessible ramps onto private homes.
What has the Build a Ramp Program accomplished?
Stephanie H. has a disability that has progressed to the point that she now uses a wheelchair full-time. The only way she could get in and out of her house was with the help of her husband and another person who lifted her onto car ramps. Stephanie, with the support of her RCIL Targeted Case Manager, applied for the Build a Ramp Program. Once her application was selected, a contractor was hired and a ramp was built onto her home.
Stephanie is now free to come and go from her home as she pleases. She can go downtown and run her own errands without having to rely on others. Her husband Robert adds, “It sure saves on my back!”
Nanette D.’s disability causes her to fall frequently. Nanette doesn’t drive and so she was excited when a friend offered her a scooter. The scooter promised a whole new world of freedoms. She could go downtown to the grocery or pharmacy whenever she wanted and not have to depend on anyone for a ride. Not only did her porch need to be repaired so that it would hold the weight of the scooter, she couldn’t get the scooter off of the porch because of the step. Nanette heard about the Build a Ramp Program through her RCIL Targeted Case Manager. She worked with an RCIL Peer Specialist to fill out and submit the application. She is now able to be more independent and she has freedom that she didn’t have before. Nanette says, “I don’t know what I would do without it!”
Dean J. could not leave his house at all because there was no way to get the durable medical equipment he uses down the steps. While experiencing a medical emergency, it took several emergency responders to get him out of his house and to the hospital. Dean, with the support and advocacy of his Personal Care Attendant and the RCIL Build a Ramp Program, now has increased independence and a safe exit from his home. Dean told us the ramp is his “favorite thing” about his home.
Why contribute to the Build a Ramp Program?
Many Kansans with disabilities are faced with accessibility barriers that leave them unable to safely come and go from their homes. Whenever possible, RCIL uses donated or discounted labor and materials for the Build a Ramp Program, but your financial support is needed to help us continue to build ramps and increase independence for Kansans with disabilities.
What else does RCIL do?
We provide programs and services for people with disabilities of all ages and across all disabilities. Our Core Services include: Information and Referral, Individual and Systems Advocacy, Peer Counseling, Independent Living Skills Training, and Deinstitutionalization. Our Core Services are available free-of-charge.
RCIL is a provider for several of the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Programs. We provide Self Directed Payroll Services (as known as Financial Management Services or FMS) for the various Medicaid Waiver programs.
In addition, we are a provider of self directed payroll services for various services through the Frail and Elderly Waiver, Intellectual/Developmental Disability Waiver, and Senior Care ACT programs. RCIL works closely with Kansas Rehabilitation Services through Provider Agreements to specifically serve individuals with disabilities seeking employment. We contract with individuals and/or families for private pay payroll services for people who don’t qualify for state funded in-home services. RCIL also has durable medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, canes, bath benches, transfer benches, commodes, and many other items available for loan free of charge.
Want to learn more?
Please feel free to contact our Home Office in Osage City or any one of our satellite offices that may be local to you for more information about our Build a Ramp Program or other services that RCIL provides.
What can I do to support the Build a Ramp Program and RCIL programs and services?
It’s easy! Send your tax deductible donation to:
PO Box 257
Osage City, KS 67523
Or make a donation online via Network for Good. Click the image below to donate online now: