the capitol building in Topeka, KS


Find and Contact Your Elected Officials

If you need to know who your Legislators are and how to contact them visit this site.

To contact Gov. Laura Kelley use the following information:

Mail – Office of the Governor
Capitol, 300 SW 10th Ave., Ste. 241S
Topeka, KS 66612-1590

Toll Free 877-579-6757

Local  785-296-3232

For the Hearing Impaired   800-766-3777

In addition to your individual elected officials, there are often times that we need to contact certain State committees. These committees, their members, and their contact information are linked to below.

 Legislative Resources and Tools

The Resource Center for Independent Living wants to provide you with the tools and support that you need to be an effective advocate for the disability community. The following links are designed to give you additional information as it becomes available to aid you in your advocacy actions.