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Other Resources

We have many documents, applications, and websites that can help you or someone you know remain or become independent! These resources range from National organizations, Kansas programs, down to your local resources. We are in the process of adding many items to this page so check back frequently. If you have a question on these resources just contact your local RCIL office!

There is a Resource Library in every RCIL office that has a computer and internet access, a wide variety of informational brochures on community resources, disability information, navigating the Social Security and Medicaid or Medicare systems, and lots more. You can use the library on your own or with the assistance of an Independent Living Specialist.

Disability Info – Offers a broad range of valuable information, not only for people with disabilities, but also their family members, employers, service providers and many others.

ADA Resources

Advocacy Groups

Assistive Technology

Benefits & Services

Centers for Independent Living

Community Developmental Disability Organization



Food Resources

Government / Voting

Housing Resources

Kansas Resources



Resources for Specific Disabilities

Safety / Emergency Preparedness


National Organizations & Resources