traumatic brain injury

Day at the Capital – Brain Injury Association of Kansas

By Mandy Smith | February 28, 2023

Each spring Brain Injury Association of Kansas and Greater Kansas City (BIAKS) sponsors a day on the hill in Topeka to educate state legislators about brain injury and potential legislative initiatives that will help improve the lives of those affected by this injury. Join BIAKS for this year’s FREE event on Tuesday, March 14.  This event…

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Moving Forward with a Brain Injury

By Mandy Smith | September 23, 2021

The Brain Injury Association of Kansas and Great Kansas City is presenting Moving Foward with a Brain Injury. This presentation is on Saturday, November 13th from 9:00am to 2:00pm at the Menorah Medical Center in Overland Park. Those who have had a concussion or brain injury along with family members, friends, or caregivers are encourage…

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HCBS Stakeholders Meetings

By Mandy Smith | September 7, 2018

The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services also known as KDADS is seeking feedback from Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) stakeholders as they are planning waiver renewals.  KDADS will be hosting regional meetings along with two options to call in.  These forums are opportunities for KDADS to hear feedback on what you think…

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Employment Opportunities!

By Mandy Smith | January 31, 2015

Resource Center for Independent Living, Inc. (RCIL) is hiring!  Please review the open positions below: Transitional Living Skills Specialist(s) – Work part-time with individuals that have experienced traumatic brain injury as they re-learn independent living skills. Training provided. Great hourly pay. In the El Dorado, Potwin, Fredonia, Overland Park, Lawrence, Devon/Fort Scott, LaCygne, and Quenemo areas.…

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Transitional Living Specialists Needed

By Mandy Smith | January 1, 2015

Do you want to help others? Are you looking for rewarding work with a flexible schedule and great hourly pay?  Resource Center for Independent Living, Inc. (RCIL) is seeking to hire patient, and caring Transitional Living Specialists, committed to creative problem solving and overcoming barriers,  to work one-on-one with individuals in their homes who have…

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HCBS Program Update Meetings

By Mandy Smith | November 5, 2014

KDADS will be hosting information sessions to provide you with program updates in response to the Federal rules shared with consumers at the last public information sessions. The program updates impact the following programs: Autism, Frail Elderly, Intellectual/Developmental Disability, Physically Disabled, Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED), Traumatic Brain Injury, and Technology Assisted. The sessions will provide…

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It’s never easy to be different…but it’s always worth it!

By Mandy Smith | February 23, 2012

  When growing up it seems like kids always made fun of other kids who were “different” than “the norm.” Whether it was kids who: were overweight, dressed in different fashions, wore glasses, etc. Now that I’m a parent and my son is starting school and sports I worry not only about what kind of…

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