Lyon County

Youth Transition Club

By Beth | June 21, 2021

Resource Center for Independent Living, Inc. (RCIL) is inviting you to join Youth Transition Club!  This group is for youth and young adults ages (14-24) with disabilities in Lyon County.  In this group you will have the opportunity to learn independent living skills such as cooking, cleaning, budgeting, and employment skills.  Youth Transition Club meets…

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Kansas Weatherization Assistance Program

By Beth | September 24, 2020

The ECKAN Weatherization Assistance Program is accepting applications for individuals in Allen, Anderson, Bourbon, Chase, Coffey, Douglas, Franklin, Greenwood, Johnson, Linn, Lyon, Miami, Morris, Osage, Woodson and Wyandotte counties. Eligible individuals include home owners and renters that meet household income levels. If anyone in the household receives one or more of the following sources of…

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Women’s Health and Disability Study

By Mandy Smith | May 23, 2018

Researchers from The University of Michigan Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation are doing a research project on women’s health and disability. They are interested in connecting with women with physical disabilities living in Lyon County. We are helping spread the word to women in our community! The researchers want to hear from you and…

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RCIL Expands Coverage Area for Older Blind Program

By Mandy Smith | August 9, 2017

The iKan-RCIL program started in August of 2010 and its purpose is to teach people who are blind/have low vision and are 55 years or older how to live as independently as possible. IKan-RCIL has been possible with contracts awarded from Kansas Rehabilitation Services (KRS) that allows funding for orientation and mobility training, assistive technology…

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