low vision fair
I am hosting low vision independent living classes in Chanute on February 21st and 28th from 1:00pm-3:00pm. The first day will focus on overall skills of living with vision loss (cooking, cleaning, health care, transportation, communication, etc.) and the second day will be more focused on tools to help with these skills. This event is…
Read ArticleRCIL will be hosting a low vision fair at the Marion County Senior Center on July 28th starting at 12:30pm. RCIL’s Mandy Smith, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist, along with Audio-Reader and Kansas Talking Books will be speaking about their free services and options for people with vison loss. Along with presentations,equipment will be presented…
Read ArticleRCIL’s Mandy Smith will be hosting the following events: Low vision fair April 7th at the Parsons Public Library from 1:00-3:00pm Low vision independent living classes April 23rd and 30th at the Riley County Senior Center in Manhattan from 1:00pm-3:00pm Low vision fair May 13th at the Marion Senior Center from 12:15pm-2:15pm Please look for more…
Read ArticleRCIL will be hosting two low vision fairs in March. The fairs will be on March 6th in Baxter Springs and March 7th in Garnett. Both fairs will be located at the town’s library and will be from 1:00-3:00pm. During that time Mandy Smith, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist, will present on iKan-RCIL’s program and…
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