
Invisible Disabilities

By Mandy Smith | March 6, 2013

If you can’t see it, it’s not real.  Right?  But we don’t see the air that we can feel in our lungs.  We don’t see the wind that we can feel on our skin and blow our hair.  And the same goes for people with disabilities that we (society) can’t see, they can feel them and…

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Vision Awareness Days

By Mandy Smith | January 29, 2013

Assistive Technology for Kansans, RCIL and Freedom Scientific are hosting Vision Awareness Days where individuals can learn more about living with vision loss.  The event will be held on February 6th from 10:00am-4:00pm at the Topeka Public Library Aud. 101 B. This event will include free learning sessions, free lunch and hands-on demonstrations.  The learning…

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Kansas Infinitec Coalition Outstanding Student Technology Awards

By Mandy Smith | December 5, 2012

I am so pleased to be here at the Kansas Infinitec Coalition Outstanding Student Technology Awards luncheon. This award luncheon is to honor students who are using assistive technology to better their learning experiences. This luncheon is a “Celebration to the power of technology that these students are using” Paul Dulle, President and CEO UCPGC/Infinite…

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Kansas Aging and Disability Resource Center

By Mandy Smith | November 14, 2012

Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Resources Secretary Shawn Sullivan announced Thursday that a new resource is available to help Kansans. Effective November 1, the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) is now available to provide Kansans with information and referrals. ADRC staff members can also put residents in contact with local Options Counselors. The…

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Voting Hotline for Kansans with Disabilities

By Mandy Smith | November 5, 2012

    Tomorrow, November 6 is Election Day.  Please get out there and vote.  The Disability Rights Center will have a hotline for Kansans with disabilities to call with any questions or concerns about voting rights for persons with disabilities until Tuesday, November 6th (Election Day) (TOMORROW) at 8PM. People with disabilities should call the DRC…

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Are you ready to vote?

By Mandy Smith | October 8, 2012

       You must show a photo ID if you are going to vote at the polls. BUT, if you apply for a permanent advance ballot, you do not have to show ID (you must have a permanent disability or illness). To vote you must be registered!  Voter registration deadline is October 16, 2012 Get registered to…

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Hubert – Finding Opportunity

By Mandy Smith | September 28, 2012

Does opportunity happen or do we go looking for it?  According to Hubert B. Von Holton we must have our eyes and ears open to because opportunity happens but most aren’t looking for it. “The older I get the more I believe that opportunities pass everyone equal.  When you are young you only think they…

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Diabetic Retinopathy

By Mandy Smith | May 14, 2012

Diabetes is a complicated condition that is able to affect many aspects of your health, including your eye sight… Diabetes is when your body does not produce or use insulin and you end up with high levels of blood glucose. This condition causes complications in the rest of the body which can result in heart…

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Advocacy: Call to Action!

By Mandy Smith | March 27, 2012

The House & Senate conference committee for the FY 2013 budget have held four rounds of negotiations thus far. Next round is scheduled for 1:30 this afternoon. Senate negotiators (Carolyn McGinn, John Vratil & Laura Kelly) have held firm on two items that are crucial to the disability community. Please take a moment and email…

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Thank you dog guide trainers

By Mandy Smith | March 16, 2012

Who doesn’t love a cute face? What about a cute face that has puppy breathe? I’m sure many of you are familiar with dog guides, but did you know that people/families raise dog guides from puppies to about a year old? Dog guide facilities such as The Seeing Eye, KSDS Inc., Leader Dogs for the…

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We Are Not Fraud!

By Mandy Smith | March 7, 2012

The House Social Services Budget Committee’s report on SRS and KDOA budgets stated “…there is considerable fraud and abuse in the system of Home and Community Based Services.” It goes on to state that this fraud, by Centers for Independent Living, is responsible for the Waiting Lists. These statements seek to villify the Centers and…

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Call to Action: Contact Social Services Budget Committee

By Mandy Smith | February 14, 2012

From now through Thursday February 16th, we need the disability community to contact each member of the House Social Services Budget Committee. A complete list of names and contact information is available here. As they are working on budget issues we need to make sure they know the importance of funding the Home and Community…

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Kansans Count: We Demand Democracy

By Mandy Smith | February 14, 2012

  Dear Friends & Fellow Kansans: In two days, on Wednesday, Feb 15th, we are going to the Kansas Statehouse to deliver the message that KANSANS COUNT: We Demand Democracy. Among the many issues of concern is Voter Suppression. Many of you, along with advocacy groups, and the ACLU have expressed concern about the adverse…

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Sharon’s Story

By Mandy Smith | February 13, 2012

“The moral test of government is how it treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick, the needy, and the disabled.” – Hubert H. Humphrey Reflect on those words for a…

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Disability Etiquette

By Beth | February 10, 2012

  If you have not had many interactions with persons with disabilities, you may not know exactly how to act. For example, you may ask yourself “how do I talk to someone in a wheelchair?” or “how do I interact with someone who is blind or deaf?” These questions often come to our minds whether…

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Update: What About the Waiting List?

By Mandy Smith | February 8, 2012

On February 1, 2012 disability advocates across the state began a concerted effort to contact the Governor’s office and SRS regarding the Waiting Lists for Home and Community Based Services. The Governor’s office and the SRS administration responded less than satisfactorily advising (after several off the wall suggestions) that the Waiting Lists for Home and…

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Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)

By Beth | January 13, 2012

Do you need assistance to pay your utilities bills?  Starting January 18, 2012 The Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) applications will be available at your local Social Rehabilitation Services (SRS) office and on the SRS website through March 30, 2012. LIEAP is a federally funded program that helps eligible households pay a portion of…

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Legislative Session Begins

By Mandy Smith | January 9, 2012

  Today at 2:00pm the Kansas House and Senate will convene to start the 2012 Legislative Session. This promises to be one of the busiest, and maybe toughest sessions in recent years. All eyes are on the Senate as it is an election year for them and the coalition of moderate Republicans and Democrats that…

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KS AuthentiCare EVV Implementation Update

By Mandy Smith | January 4, 2012

The State of Kansas has delayed the start of the KS Authenticare (also known as electronic visit verification or EVV) for “Personal Services” through the PD and TBI waivers. We will notify you with the new start date as soon as we receive it from the state. EVV for “Sleep Cycle Support” will start on…

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KS AuthentiCare/EVV Delayed to 1/16/12

By Mandy Smith | December 29, 2011

  THIS INFORMATION HAS CHANGED PLEASE CHECK OUT THIS LINK FOR ACCURATE INFORMATION! It was just announced (the evening of 12/29) that KDOA and SRS have decided to delay the implementation of Kansas AuthentiCare/EVV until 6:00am January 16th, 2012. This change is to allow more time for providers, consumers, and Direct Support Workers to prepare…

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2012 Legislative Session

By Mandy Smith | December 28, 2011

  With the new year comes a new Legislative session in Kansas. The 2012 Session starts on Monday January 9th at 2:00pm and promises to be a busy one. The disability community will be closely watching as the Administration and the Legislature take on huge items including an expected Executive Order re-organizing SRS, the Medicaid…

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Happy Holidays

By Mandy Smith | December 25, 2011

The Resource Center for Independent Living would like to wish all of our consumers, friends, supporters, and our community members a wonderful holiday season with best wishes for the new year. We look forward to continuing to serve Kansans with disabilities and their families and loved ones. The spirit of the Kansas disability community is…

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You May Qualify for a Free Lifeline Cell Phone

By Mandy Smith | December 23, 2011

  In Kansas (and several other states), certain people may be income-eligible to receive a free cell phone and limited minutes at no cost. If you are not currently enrolled in another Lifeline program (meaning discounted land-line service, NOT the Personal Emergency Response System) and you, or someone in your household, receive any of the…

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Kansas AuthentiCare (EVV) is Coming

By Mandy Smith | December 21, 2011

KDOA and SRS announced on the evening of  Dec. 29th they have decided to change the launch date for Kansas AuthentiCare/EVV to January 16, 2012 at 6:00am The new year is bringing with it new procedures for our consumers who are on Home and Community-Based Services. The state is replacing the current paper time and…

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Home and Community Based Services in Kansas

By Mandy Smith | December 12, 2011

Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) became an integral part of the lives of Kansans with disabilities and those who are elderly though legislation passed in 1989 (KSA 39-7, 100). This legislation provided Kansans who wanted to have choice and remain independent with the ability to receive long-term care services in their own home and…

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