consumer opportunity
I get questions many times about available apps for people who have vision loss. I thought I’d write a brief description of 5 apps that have great features for people who are blind or visually impaired. LookTel Money Reader – This app uses the camera on the back of the phone/tablet and then says out…
Read ArticlePlease join us for an informative session on Self-Directing your Home and Community Based Services. Topics will include information on: How to Recruit, Select, Interview, Hire, Train, Supervise and Dismiss Direct Support Workers (DSWs) Understanding Enhanced Care Services (Sleep Cycle Support) KS AuthentiCare (the Electronic Visit Verification Call In System) Having a Backup Plan (of…
Read ArticleEmployment First Summit is an opportunity for professionals, employers, job coaches, caregivers, people with disabilities, family members, students, etc. to learn about raising awareness, increasing opportunities, and sustaining competitive, integrated employment for people with disabilities. This event is FREE thanks to our sponsor Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities and will be held Friday, May 3rd. …
Read ArticleThe iKan-RCIL program started in August of 2010 and its purpose is to teach people who are blind/have low vision and are 55 years or older how to live as independently as possible. IKan-RCIL has been possible with contracts awarded from Kansas Rehabilitation Services (KRS) that allows funding for orientation and mobility training, assistive technology…
Read ArticleKDADS is hosting a “KanCare HCBS Waiver Integration Information and Comment Tour” and are encouraging consumers and their families to attend. All locations will feature meetings at 1:30pm-3:30pm for providers and 5:30pm-7:30pm for consumers and families. Topeka Tuesday, Nov. 10th Capitol Plaza Hotel 1717 SW Topeka Blvd Wichita Thursday, Nov. 12th Doubletree Wichita Airport 2098…
Read ArticleIf you are looking for something to do this month here is a list of events around our service area: September 15th – Manhattan Senior Center from 1:00pm-3:00pm Low Vision Information and Device demonstration – NanoPac, Assistive Technology for Kansans and RCIL will present on low vision devices and helpful information September 16th – Topeka/Shawnee…
Read ArticleDo you want to help others? Are you looking for rewarding work with a flexible schedule and great hourly pay? Resource Center for Independent Living, Inc. (RCIL) is seeking to hire patient, and caring Transitional Living Specialists, committed to creative problem solving and overcoming barriers, to work one-on-one with individuals in their homes who have…
Read ArticleIt’s that time of year again! The holidays are around the corner. Everyone is busy preparing their delicious foods and buying gifts to give their family and friends. Other annual events include the RCIL consumer Christmas parties! The Christmas parties are being held in-conjunction with the December RCIL Friends meetings. There will be fun activities…
Read ArticleDon’t forget, November 4th is the General Election. If you are not able to vote that day, Kansas is one of the many states who allow early voting (by anyone). If you require assistance with voting you may have someone enter the booth with you. That person could be your family/friend or someone working at the election poll. …
Read ArticleMandy Smith, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist, will be presenting at the Chase County Health Department on May 1st. The presentation will begin at 1:00pm and last approximately an hour. Mandy will be explaining what the iKan-RCIL program does and the services it provides along with showing pieces of assistive technology. Anyone who has a vision…
Read ArticleiKan-RCIL will be hosting a low vision fair in Fort Scott on April 2nd. The fair will consist of Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Foulk speaking about eye health, diseases and conditions along with Audio Reader, Talking Books, Assistive Technology for Kansans (ATK), and iKan-RCIL speaking about their program and services. Assistive technology equipment will be available for hands-on demonstrations.…
Read ArticleThe Health Homes Consumer Tour is coming to a city near you! Health Homes will start in Kansas July 1, 2014. If you have questions about Health Homes and what they mean for your health, these meetings are for you! The meetings are free and you will learn about Health Homes in Kansas. Are these…
Read ArticleLow vision support group – a group of people who have some type of vision loss that gather and talk about strategies, stories, equipment, etc. A support group can be very beneficial especially if a person has a new vision loss or is having a hard time handling their new way of life. iKan-RCIL will…
Read ArticlePlease keep September 12-14 open to join the Assistive Technology (AT) Expo at the Topeka Expo Center. More than 20 AT sessions will be given ranging from independent living, community, employment, education and recreation. There will also be around 200 booths set up in the Expo hall. The AT Expo is free to the public! The AT…
Read ArticleKanCare wants your thoughts on their program that was started January 1, 2013. There will be two meetings on the same day in each of the city they visit. Meetings will be in the afternoon and evening. You can come anytime between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM for the afternoon meeting and anytime between 6:00 PM…
Read ArticleThe Miss Wheelchair Kansas event was held at Capitol Plaza Sunday. The program annually selects one woman who is wheelchair mobile, to successfully empower people at a state level. Angel Shaver, 38, of Wakeeny, Kansas was crowned as the winner. She suffers from nerve damage and traumatic brain injury from a car accident. She overcame…
Read ArticleAssistive Technology for Kansans, RCIL and Freedom Scientific are hosting Vision Awareness Days where individuals can learn more about living with vision loss. The event will be held on February 6th from 10:00am-4:00pm at the Topeka Public Library Aud. 101 B. This event will include free learning sessions, free lunch and hands-on demonstrations. The learning…
Read ArticleKansas Department for Aging and Disability Resources Secretary Shawn Sullivan announced Thursday that a new resource is available to help Kansans. Effective November 1, the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) is now available to provide Kansans with information and referrals. ADRC staff members can also put residents in contact with local Options Counselors. The…
Read ArticleLearn more about choosing the KanCare health plan that is right for you and your family. Medicaid participants are encouraged to attend a meeting where they will be provided information to choose your KanCare plan. If you have questions, please call 1-866-305-5147. If you require special assistance for a meeting (like a translator or hand…
Read ArticleDisability Mentoring Day is a nationwide effort to promote career development for students with disabilities through hands-on career exploration. What is Disability Mentoring Day? Students with disabilities (mentees) are matched with workplace mentors according to expressed career interests. Mentees experience a typical day on the job and learn how to prepare to enter the world…
Read ArticleYou must show a photo ID if you are going to vote at the polls. BUT, if you apply for a permanent advance ballot, you do not have to show ID (you must have a permanent disability or illness). To vote you must be registered! Voter registration deadline is October 16, 2012 Get registered to…
Read ArticleDoes opportunity happen or do we go looking for it? According to Hubert B. Von Holton we must have our eyes and ears open to because opportunity happens but most aren’t looking for it. “The older I get the more I believe that opportunities pass everyone equal. When you are young you only think they…
Read ArticleRCIL is hosting a booth at the Assistive Technology Expo this year in Wichita. I am “manning” the booth to share with the participants my newly offered service, orientation and mobility. I have spoken to approximately 30 participants this far and explained some of the services RCIL has to offer. Remember, assistive technology does not…
Read ArticleThe Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) invites you to attend one of the following informational sessions for people receiving services, family members/friends, providers, advocacy groups and others interested in the disability, aging, mental health and substance use disorder services we administer. The purposes of these sessions are to provide updates and information…
Read ArticleIs it possible to eat healthy and still stay on your budget? I’ve always heard “But eating healthy always costs so much more.” I guess it depends on what your definition of eating healthy is but really it doesn’t have to cost any more than eating “regularly or non-healthy”. Eating healthy really has to…
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