
Eureka Low Vision Class

By Mandy Smith | April 13, 2023

April 25th, I will be in Eureka teaching a class on independent living skills for those with vision loss. This is a one day, two hour event hosted at the Greenwood County Senior Center that will provide information on skills, tips, techniques, and show off tools that can help with daily living. The class will…

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Upcoming Blind/Low Vision Events

By Mandy Smith | February 8, 2023

I am hosting low vision independent living classes in Chanute on February 21st and 28th from 1:00pm-3:00pm. The first day will focus on overall skills of living with vision loss (cooking, cleaning, health care, transportation, communication, etc.) and the second day will be more focused on tools to help with these skills. This event is…

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Events for individuals who are blind or have low vision

By Mandy Smith | June 30, 2022

I will be hosting three events in July for individuals who are blind or have low vision. As I’ve posted in the past, I run RCIL’s program, iKan-RCIL, which is for anyone 55 years and older who has a vision loss that affects their daily living. I will be hosting two independent living classes in…

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Etiquette For Guide Dogs

By Mandy Smith | January 28, 2022

Dogs are great! I mean really, dogs are loveable, smart, and can be very hard workers. I wanted to refresh people on some etiquette when it comes to seeing a guide dog in public. * Do not pet, talk to or distract the guide dog while he/she is working. – People might think a guide…

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iKan-RCIL Services

By Mandy Smith | October 15, 2021

Yesterday was World Sight Day and today is White Cane Day. I feel like with both of those days this week, its a perfect time to remind everyone of RCIL’s services for those with vison loss including blindness. RCIL provides a service that we call iKan-RCIL. This service is for anyone 55 years and older…

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Living Life After Vision Loss: Riley County

By Mandy Smith | August 11, 2021

I will be hosting a two-day event, for people who have vision loss, at the Riley County Senior Center on August 12th and 19th. The event will last from 1:00pm to 3:00pm both days. Come learn everything from self-care to using assistive technology to help with traveling and reading. Riley County Senior Center is located…

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Low Vision Fair Marion County Senior Center

By Mandy Smith | July 22, 2021

RCIL will be hosting a low vision fair at the Marion County Senior Center on July 28th starting at 12:30pm. RCIL’s Mandy Smith, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist, along with Audio-Reader and Kansas Talking Books will be speaking about their free services and options for people with vison loss. Along with presentations,equipment will be presented…

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Mentoring Opportunity for Teens with Vision Loss

By Mandy Smith | May 21, 2021

Professional Mentoring Opportunities for Blind College Students: Apply Today Apply to the Pearson Corporate Disability Mentoring Program, a six-month program in which sighted Pearson and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) professionals are paired with blind young adults to provide blind mentees with greater access to beneficial workplace experiences and strategies. Participants, through a virtual mentoring relationship with a…

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KABVI hosting online convention

By Mandy Smith | November 12, 2020

Kansas Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (KABVI) will be hosting with the assistance of American Counsel of the Blind (ACB) an online convention Friday, November 20th and Saturday, November 21st.  This is the ACB’s annual meeting but it is also a celebration of KABVI’s 100 year anniversary. Friday’s agenda is scheduled 10:00am-5:00pm and…

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Two Blind Brothers

By Mandy Smith | August 9, 2019

Bradford and Bryan Manning, were diagnosed with Stargardt’s  (a form of macular degeneration) at a young age.  They have since started a clothing company, “Two Blind Brothers” that profits help with finding a cure for blindness.  Something I thought was awesome, is they have Braille incorporated in all of their clothing. Here is a clip…

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Information for better communication with people with vision loss

By Mandy Smith | May 17, 2017

Disclaimer: I am not speaking on behalf of anyone I am just paraphrasing a few conversations I have had with some consumers and friends with vision loss. Blindness and low vision are not that common (thank goodness).  But there are still many people who have vision loss.  I’ve said in a blog before unless you’ve known…

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January – Glaucoma Awareness Month

By Mandy Smith | January 30, 2017

Though January is almost over there is still time to learn about Glaucoma. Currently over 3 million people in the United States have Glaucoma It is estimated that half of those people don’t know they have it There is no symptoms and once vision is lost it is permanent Glaucoma is the leading cause of…

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