Kansas AuthentiCare/EVV FAQs
KS AuthentiCare is a requirement for all Home and Community-Based Service (HCBS) consumers and Direct Support Workers (DSWs). Your DSW will be required to use the KS AuthentiCare Electronic Visitor Verification system to record their clock in/clock out times, services and activities they provide for the consumer. Please make certain that RCIL, or your FMS provider, has your correct telephone and/or cellphone number.
What do I need to do before I leave the consumers home?
Before you leave the consumer’s home you need to check out each time you work by calling 1-800-903-4676. You will need to enter the activity code(s) for each of the activities you performed. Activity codes were included with the EVV letter you received from RCIL.
When my DSW calls in it asks them for my consumer beneficiary number. Should I give my DSW my number?
No, we do not recommend that the consumers give the DSWs their beneficiary number. The system is asking for this information because the consumer’s phone number is not correctly entered into the KS Authenticare system. Please call an RCIL EVV specialist and give them the correct consumer phone number.
Where can consumers get information on assistance with getting a cellphone?
There are several programs that provide free cell phones. Call RCIL to ask for more information or follow some of the options below.
How do my DSWs report their time if I do not have a landline or cellphone?
Using the Authenticare Kansas is a State of Kansas program requirement. Only the Kansas Department on Aging and Disability Services can make an exception.
Can my DSW use their smartphone?
If DSWs have smartphones they may be able to check in and check out by using an application on the DSWs phone. Please call an RCIL EVV specialist for more information.
How do I record my time if I work for two consumers that live in the same household?
If consumers are married or live in the same household, they can use the same phone number. The system will ask the DSW which person they will provide services for. The DSW will need to check in for one consumer and then check out before working for the other spouse or consumer. For example, if the DSW is claiming 4 hours for the day; 2-for the wife and 2-for the husband. They will clock in and choose one person, complete the two hours and then clock out. They will then be able to check in on the same call for the spouse or other consumer. They will not be able to work for both without checking in and out for each one of them.
What do I do if I arrive at a consumer’s home and remember I forgot to check-out at the last consumer’s home?
Check-in for the current consumer, then call an RCIL EVV specialist and let them know the consumer you were serving and the time you left the consumers home.
Checking-in and out will require several minutes. What time will I be checked-in and checked-out?
Check-in times are posted at the beginning of the call. Check-out times are posted at the end of the call.
Weekly Payroll
RCIL issues wage payments weekly on Fridays.
RCIL has a longstanding history of providing superior customer service and superb payroll services. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you and support you in self-directing your services. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the payroll help desk at 1-785-528-5045 and ask to speak to an EVV Specialist.