Work Incentives Allow People To Work and Retain their SSDI

Posted November 2, 2023 by Beth in ,

An RCIL Independent Living Specialist (ILS) was contacted by “Jeff” who said he had recently been approved for disability, but he was struggling to keep up with his expenses.  He also had just learned he would soon be losing his KanCare at the end of the pandemic declaration.  Jeff asked his ILS about his options for going back to work, but wanted to keep his Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

The ILS met with Jeff and explained the work incentives that Social Security has in place.  The work incentives allow people to work and retain their SSDI.  Jeff learned he can earn about $1,400 per month and keep his full SSDI check.  The ILS also reminded Jeff that his Medicare would not start for nearly two more years which means he would have no medical coverage.  This, and the loss of his KanCare, was also a major concern for Jeff.  The ILS connected Jeff with a Working Healthy Benefits Specialist to learn about getting on the Medicaid buy-in program and keeping his KanCare medical coverage.  Jeff was excited to hear about these incentives.  He got a part-time job at a local café and started earning extra money.  He also learned about other Social Security work incentives and the income reporting requirements.  Jeff reported back to his ILS later and said he been getting along great since.


Beth has been with RCIL since 2007 and is the Information and Outreach Coordinator in our Osage City office. She takes information and referral calls and represents RCIL through community outreach.

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