RCIL’s Durable Medical Equipment Loan Program

Posted May 18, 2023 by Beth in ,

As a service to the community, RCIL has durable medical equipment available for loan, free of charge, through the Anita Casey Equipment Loan Program in Osage City and the Phyllis Patteson Equipment Loan Program in El Dorado.  RCIL also has the Equipment Loan Program in Emporia and in Iola.  The equipment is provided as a service not only to our consumers but also to any member of the community who is experiencing a short-term or long-term disability due to illness, injury or rehabilitation after surgery.  Items available include but are not limited to: wheelchairs, bath benches, transfer benches, walker, and canes.

RCIL accepts donations of new or gently used equipment for the loan program inventory.  If you would like to donate for others to use, please contact RCIL at 785-528-3105 or send donations to RCIL at P.O. Box 257 Osage City, KS 66523. 


Beth has been with RCIL since 2007 and is the Information and Outreach Coordinator in our Osage City office. She takes information and referral calls and represents RCIL through community outreach.

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