RCIL Expands Coverage Area for Older Blind Program

Posted August 9, 2017 by Mandy Smith in

The iKan-RCIL program started in August of 2010 and its purpose is to teach people who are blind/have low vision and are 55 years or older how to live as independently as possible. IKan-RCIL has been possible with contracts awarded from Kansas Rehabilitation Services (KRS) that allows funding for orientation and mobility training, assistive technology aids and devices, and independent living training. RCIL recently received its third contract which will last through 2020.

Since inception, iKan-RCIL has more than doubled in size from 15 counties in 2010, to 32 counties beginning in July 2017. The coverage area includes the following counties: Allen, Anderson, Bourbon, Brown, Chase, Chautauqua, Cherokee, Clay, Coffey, Crawford, Dickinson, Doniphan, Elk, Geary, Greenwood, Jackson, Labette, Lyon, Marion, Marshall, Montgomery, Morris, Nemaha, Neosho, Osage, Pottawatomie, Riley, Shawnee, Wabaunsee, Washington, Wilson, and Woodson. This is including the nine counties RCIL began covering in July (Chautauqua, Cherokee, Crawford, Elk, Labette, Montgomery, Neosho, Wilson, and Woodson.)

iKan-RCIL map 2017

To be eligible for this program you must live in one of the above mentioned counties, be 55 years or older and have a vision loss that affects your daily living. Mandy Smith, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist, who is based out of the Osage City office provides the services for this program. She travels to individuals’ homes to teach the skills and/or give items that will allow individuals to be as independent as possible. This program is free to the individual and can be provided in any home setting. Mandy also does presentations to promote services and educate the public. Mandy will also be hosting independent living classes through the next three years throughout the 32 counties. Look for more information on these classes in the near future.

ikan-RCIL Flier

Mandy Smith

Mandy has worked at RCIL since June of 2009. She is a Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist and provides services in 32 counties to individuals who are blind or have low vision and are 55 years and older.

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