Mobility Impaired Get Healthy Together (MIGHTY)
Posted October 24, 2019 by Beth in Consumer Education, Independent Living, Well Being
Do you have a mobility – related disability and are looking to lose weight? You may be eligible for the University of Kansas Medical Center Research Study.
This weight management program provides diet guidance, physical activity and social interaction without leaving your home!
All participants must be over the age of 18 with a mobility related disability, and open to:
- Being randomized to either individual home visits or group participation via video conferencing
- Recording food and beverage intake, and participate in physical activity eithter self monitored or via group video
Participants will learn behavioral strategies from a trained health educator with compensation for their participation in the study. No travel required.
This program is 18 months and takes place in the home. Individuals must live within 50 miles of Kansas City or Lawrence.
For more information contact Trish Smith at or call 785-764-1312 or visit
Mobility Impaired Get Healthy Together (MIGHTY) flyer