LIEAP Application Deadline Approaching!

Posted March 4, 2019 by Beth in

Do you need assistance to pay your utility bill? The Kansas Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) is a federally funded program that helps qualifying households pay a portion of their home energy costs by providing a one-time per year benefit. The deadline for 2019 LIEAP application is March 29, 2019. For more information, visit the Department for Children and Families (DCF) website here to review their qualifications and their application. You can print and mail the application or complete the application online. Feel free to contact your local RCIL office if you need assistance to complete the LIEAP application.


Beth has been with RCIL since 2007 and is the Information and Outreach Coordinator in our Osage City office. She takes information and referral calls and represents RCIL through community outreach.

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