Kansans with Disabilities: Transportation Barriers = Health Barriers

Posted September 3, 2020 by Beth in , ,

The Kansas Disability and Health Program with The University of Kansas Institute for Health and Disability Policy Studies developed a fact sheet called “Kansans with Disabilities: Transportation Barriers = Health Barriers.” The fact sheet identified the transportation barriers along with possible solutions to remove those barriers for people with disabilities. They also listed several personal experiences that they received from people with disabilities. Here are a few experiences from the fact sheet:

  • “A van with a wheelchair lift costs $30,000 to $40,000 more than a typical van, way over the budget of most people with disabilities.”
  • “When the paratransit is late then people miss their appointments, or they are late and this does not sit well with medical providers.”
  • “Transportation outside of the area where people live is not available. If someone needs to see a specialist in another town/city, it is difficult if not close to impossible to get there.”

Click on the fact sheet here for details about the transportation barriers. This fact sheet is also on the Kansas Disability and Health Program website at https://ihdps.ku.edu/dhp-resources.

For more information, contact Kim Bruns, Disabilities and Health Program Coordinator, at 785-864-1561 or kbruns@ku.edu.


Beth has been with RCIL since 2007 and is the Information and Outreach Coordinator in our Osage City office. She takes information and referral calls and represents RCIL through community outreach.

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