How To Develop A Plan
Posted February 7, 2020 by Beth in Consumer Education, Independent Living, Well Being
Do you have an issue or a goal that you need some assistance to achieve? Perhaps you can’t afford that piece of medical equipment you need? Is your goal is to make a cake, learn how to budget, or find a job? RCIL’s Independent Living Specialists work with people with disabilities to help them resolve their issues or achieve goals by developing an independent living plan (ILP). The ILP involves individuals identifying their goal and steps to take to achieve that goal.
Why should you develop a plan? Having a plan written down with a set date for accomplishment can gives you something to plan and work towards. It can also help you to stay focused, motivated, and it can be a constant reminder of what you need to accomplish. When the plan is accomplished, it can build your self-confidence as you recognize your own ability and competence in achieving the goals that you have set.
How do you develop a plan? First you will need to identify your number one issue or a goal you want to achieve. Then write your SMART goal on paper. SMART stands for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Oriented. For example, instead of saying “find a new place to live” as a goal, use SMART goal to make it more powerful such as “I want to live in an apartment within walking distance to a grocery store by March 31, 2020.” When a SMART goal is written, list all of the steps you need to take along with target dates to complete them. Next, make a list of things that may interfere with your plan and how to overcome those barriers. When your plan is developed, place it where you will see it daily as a reminder and motivation. You can share your plan with your family and friends who will give you support and assist you when needed. They can also help your accountability to follow through with your plan.
What should you do when you accomplish your goal? When you have achieved your goal, take the time to enjoy and celebrate what you have accomplished!
If you are a person with a disability and need assistance to achieve your goal, contact RCIL at 1-800-580-7245 and an Independent Living Specialist will assist you.