Emergency Broadband Benefit
Posted September 1, 2021 by Mandy Smith in Consumer Opportunities, Independent Living
The Emergency Broadband Benefit program is a Federal Communications Comission (FCC) that provides a temporary discount on monthly broadband service bills. To qualify a person could have one of the follow: Medicaid, child(ren) receive free/reduced lunches, receiving social security income, Tribal benefits, reduced income due to COVID-19, and many more options (link is below for all qualifying information) . This discount could be up to $50/monthly or $75/monthly on Tribal land along with up to a one time discount of $100 for laptop, computer, or tablet. For more information on the program, how to prove you qualify, and to apply please visit their website (link below) or call (833) 511-0311 you can also email them at EBBHelp@usac.org