Accessible Recreation Opportunities in Kansas

Posted June 4, 2021 by Beth in ,

Picture of an accessible playground at Schlanger Park Community Center.

The Kansas Disability and Health Program (KDHP) is compiling a list of accessible recreation opportunities across the state of Kansas.  The list is posted on their website at www.ihdps.ku/accessible-recreation-opportunties.  The list is organized alphabetically by county and within the list of counties, it is organized alphabetically by city or town.  The list includes accessible playgrounds, programs that accommodate people with specific disabilities, and recreational sites, such as parks and trails that provide access to people with disabilities.  KDHP update the list frequently with a goal to eventually list accessible recreation opportunities in every county in Kansas. 

If you know of a recreational program in Kansas that provide access to or are inclusive of people with disabilities, contact Dot Nary at


Beth has been with RCIL since 2007 and is the Information and Outreach Coordinator in our Osage City office. She takes information and referral calls and represents RCIL through community outreach.

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