Now Hiring! Resource Center for Independent Living (RCIL) – Emporia Office

Posted February 20, 2020 by Adam in

Two full-time positions with excellent benefits and competitive pay.

  • Case Manager/Independent Living Specialist (ILS) –The person hired for this position will deliver our Core Services (Information & Referral, Independent Living Skills Training, Advocacy, Peer Support, youth transition and nursing facility diversion/deinstitutionalization) to individuals with disabilities.  The ILS also works with other organizations on related issues, organizes a peer support group, performs outreach/education on RCIL services, organizes group trainings, and much more.  This position is funded by a grant from Kansas Rehabilitation Services.
  • Youth Transition Specialist –Funded by a grant from the, Walter S. and Evan C. Jones Testamentary Trust, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee, RCIL is looking to hire someone that will work well with young people between the ages of 14-24 and their families to provide an enhanced level of Core Services focused in the unique needs of a person transitioning into adulthood.

We need self-starters that will represent RCIL well and are passionate about working with people with disabilities.  Bachelor’s degree preferred.  The ILS will work with consumers in Lyon, Marion, Chase, and Morris counties and occasionally in Coffey and Greenwood counties.  Bilingual in English and Spanish preferred.  The Youth Specialist will work in Lyon, Osage and Coffey counties.

RCIL, a non-profit organization, gives hiring preference to qualified individuals with disabilities.

Interested?  Call Adam Burnett or Deone Wilson at 785-528-3105 or apply by submitting cover letter, resume and three references to

Resource Center for Independent Living


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