Extended Workforce Incentive Program

Posted March 24, 2023 by Mandy Smith in

Direct service workers hired between February 1st to April 30th of this year may be eligible for a one-time bonus! The person must be hired and working by April 30th to be eligible. The bonus is up to $1500 for full-time and $750 for 20 hours or less a week. Email payrollhelpdesk@rcilinc.org or call 800-580-7245 for the form and/or information. Below is the flier with a little more information.

Mandy Smith

Mandy has worked at RCIL since June of 2009. She is a Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist and provides services in 32 counties to individuals who are blind or have low vision and are 55 years and older.

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Extended Workforce Incentive Program

By Mandy Smith | March 24, 2023

Direct service workers hired between February 1st to April 30th of this year may be eligible for a one-time bonus! The person must be hired and working by April 30th to be eligible. The bonus is up to $1500 for full-time and $750 for 20 hours or less a week. Email payrollhelpdesk@rcilinc.org or call 800-580-7245 for the form and/or information.…