April – Awareness Month
Posted April 23, 2018 by Mandy Smith in Disability Spotlight
I’m sure you have seen “Awareness Month” for one reason or another from month to month. I know April is almost over but I thought I’d share some facts and resources about this month’s observations including Autism Awareness and Parkinson’s Awareness.
Autism Awareness Month
Autism short of Autism Spectrum Disorder is a development disability
1 out of 68 children have Autism
There is no one cause for Autism
Autism is treatable and early intervention is key
Some symptoms/signs include: delay in speech, avoiding eye contact, lack of peer relationships, and more
Puzzles pieces/puzzle piece ribbon has become the symbol for Autism to represent the complexity and different colors and shapes showing the diversity of families and people
Parkinson’s Awareness Month
Parkinson’s Disease is a neurodegenative disorder that affects a portion of the brain
Symptoms usually progress slowly over years
No known cause, and no cure
Treatment includes surgery and medication
Parkinson’s itself is not fatal but complications from the disorder can be serious
A person with Parkinson’s made a symbol with a red tulip and the letters P and D in 2005