KanCare HCBS Waiver Integration Information and Comment Tour

Posted October 29, 2015 by Mandy Smith in

KDADS is hosting a “KanCare HCBS Waiver Integration Information and Comment Tour” and are encouraging consumers and their families to attend.  All locations will feature meetings at 1:30pm-3:30pm for providers and 5:30pm-7:30pm for consumers and families.

Topeka Tuesday, Nov. 10th Capitol Plaza Hotel 1717 SW Topeka Blvd

Wichita Thursday, Nov. 12th Doubletree Wichita Airport 2098 Airport Rd

Kansas City Thursday, Nov. 12th Hilton Garden Inn 520 Minnesota Ave

Hays Monday, Nov. 16th Ambassador Hotel 3603 Vine St

Pittsburg Monday, Nov. 16th Holiday Inn Express 4011 Parkview Dr

If you are unable to attend in person there will be conference calls on Friday, November 13th from 12:00pm-1:30pm and Tuesday, November 17th from 5:30pm-7:30pm. To access the conference call dial: (866) 620-7326 Enter code: 527-268-5242.

Mandy Smith

Mandy has worked at RCIL since June of 2009. She is a Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist and provides services in 32 counties to individuals who are blind or have low vision and are 55 years and older.

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