Hubert – Finding Opportunity

Posted September 28, 2012 by Mandy Smith in ,

Does opportunity happen or do we go looking for it?  According to Hubert B. Von Holton we must have our eyes and ears open to because opportunity happens but most aren’t looking for it.

“The older I get the more I believe that opportunities pass everyone equal.  When you are young you only think they pass special people.  Success, can you recognize it when it comes by you?  This comes with age and education and living in a world where what everyone else is doing interests you.” – Hubert

Hubert owns Life Essentials ( based out of Brookston, Indiana.  Life Essentials makes lifts for trucks and farm equipment.  Their goal is to help individuals get their life back and be able to continue working after having a disability.

Hubert had Polio at the age of 5 and loss both legs due to the disease.  Hubert never let this stop him.  His family and community wanted Hubert to become a shoe maker or repair watches but Hubert said “I don’t want to be those because I can’t get enough toys with that.”

Hubert travels the United States to install lifts for farmers and others. On a business trip Hubert and his wife Kathy stopped at Arby’s in Idabel, Oklahoma.  Hubert’s life would never be the same.

Hubert and Kathy found a dog outside when they went in the restuarnt.  The people who worked there explained this dog had been hanging out there the last couple of days and they were going to take it to the pound the next day (it was the weekend).  Hubert said when he got in his van the dog started following him.  Hubert and his wife ended up taking this dog with them and naming it after the city. 

Idabel was an opportunity that many of us would have passed by.  Hubert said Idabel was a great dog from the very beginning.  Stuck by his side at all times and very mellow.  One day while Hubert was driving, Idabel jumped over Kathy and stopped on Hubert’s lap clawing at his check.  Hubert and Kathy were trying to figure out what Idabel was doing, she had never asked like this before.  Hubert said, “20 minutes later I was having heart surgery.”  Idabel was trying to warn him but he didn’t understand.  Since then she had notified him of his other three heart attacks and he totally understood what she was “saying”.

Hubert said Idabel is with him right by his side 24 hours a day.  She “checks on him” every 20 minutes.  She jumps up and sniffs Hubert’s face and gives his cheek a light lick.  Hubert said “I look at it I’ve either made it another 20 minutes or I have 20 minutes left.”

Hubert made his first modification at the age of 13 by putting hand controls on his Go-Kart so it could go faster.  Hubert is still modifying for his needs today.  “About 10 weeks ago, my back snapped and I couldn’t sit up anymore.  I took my wheelchair and took the seat off of it and put a piece of plywood and foam on it,” Hubert said.

Hubert sees his disability as an opportunity to share his experience and show to others what all can be done.

Mandy Smith

Mandy has worked at RCIL since June of 2009. She is a Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist and provides services in 32 counties to individuals who are blind or have low vision and are 55 years and older.

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