Emergency Preparedness Committee Seeks Members
Posted June 1, 2023 by Adam in Consumer Opportunities
It’s not if – but when – a disaster will happen. Are you ready? Are the alerts and warnings even accessible? Do you have a plan? What are the resources in Kansas?
The Statewide Independent Living Council of Kansas (SILCK) and the Kansas Commission on Disability Concerns (KCDC) are starting the Disability and Disaster Response Advisory Workgroup back up. We took a little hiatus and are ready to spread the word and get even more people with disabilities involved with emergency response and disaster preparedness in Kansas.
We will have a meeting in July via zoom and figure out what direction the group would like to go. The group will decide their own schedule and how to tackle the issue of disaster response for people with disabilities and how Kansas can do a better job. Please RSVP if you would like to receive the zoom invite for this initial meeting to kathy.cooper@SILCK.org. The only requirement for this workgroup is that you must be a person with a disability!