HCBS Program Update Meetings

Posted November 5, 2014 by Mandy Smith in

KDADS will be hosting information sessions to provide you with program updates in response to the Federal rules shared with consumers at the last public information sessions. The program updates impact the following programs:

Autism, Frail Elderly, Intellectual/Developmental Disability, Physically Disabled, Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED), Traumatic Brain Injury, and Technology Assisted.

The sessions will provide updated information on how the Federal rules will impact HCBS programs, your access to services and how to manage your direct service workers.

Please plan to join one of the sessions either in-person or by conference as indicated below.

Regional In-Person Meetings

Regional meetings are being held for persons served, families, advocates, and providers so that you can be informed and have your questions addressed about changes that will be made. Plan to attend one of the meetings below.

All meetings will be held from (10 am –12 noon)
and repeated from
(2 pm -4 pm)




November 12, 2014 Eugene M. Hughes Metropolitan Complex Wichita, KS
November 13, 2014 Ambassador Hotel, 3603 Vine Street Hays, KS
November 14, 2014 Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center, 200 McDonald Drive Lawrence, KS

If you need help making arrangements, contact your Managed Care Organization care coordinator or your case manager. 

Conference Calls

This information will also be covered at the regular “HCBS Providers Lunch and Learn” conference calls on the dates below calling 1-866-620-7326 Enter PIN 4283583031#.



Morning Session, November 17, 2014 11 am to 12 noon
Evening Session, November 17, 2014 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm (repeat of morning session)

To register and get materials for calls, go to www.kdads.ks.gov.

For questions, concerns, or to request accommodation, call 1-785-296-3473.

Mandy Smith

Mandy has worked at RCIL since June of 2009. She is a Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist and provides services in 32 counties to individuals who are blind or have low vision and are 55 years and older.

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