Consumer Education
The KU Transition to Postsecondary Education (KU TPE) has a mission to ensure that students with intellectual disabilities (ID) have opportunities for inclusive postsecondary education at the University of Kansas and prepare for their careers and adult lives through academic, career and student life experiences. They are hosting informational meetings in-person or via zoom for…
Read ArticleAn RCIL Independent Living Specialist (ILS) was contacted by “Jeff” who said he had recently been approved for disability, but he was struggling to keep up with his expenses. He also had just learned he would soon be losing his KanCare at the end of the pandemic declaration. Jeff asked his ILS about his options…
Read ArticleSocial Security 101: Understanding Retirement, Survivor and Medicare Benefits The Kansas City Regional Social Security Public Affairs office is hosting a FREE web-based training opportunity. This 1.5-hour training will provide information about eligibility and filing options for the Social Security Retirement, Survivor, and Medicare programs. They will discuss online tools available for planning and managing…
Read ArticleDo you want to work but afraid to lose your benefits? Check out the South Central (SC) Kansas (KS) Employment First Summit event on April 6, 2023. This event is an opportunity for professionals, employers, job coaches, caregivers, and people with disabilities to learn about raising awareness, increasing opportunities, and sustaining competitive, integrated employment for people…
Read ArticleGovernor Laura Kelly ceremonially signed Senate Bill 19, bipartisan legislation that launches 9-8-8 as the official 24/7 three-digit dialing code for the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Beginning Saturday, July 16, Kansans and all Americans can call 9-8-8 during mental health and substance abuse emergencies. Governor Kelly joined Sedgwick County Commissioners, legislators, and local advocates…
Read ArticleK-State Research and Extension Office is hosting a 3 day, 6 part learning series called Aging Well. The first date has already past but the second date is approaching next week, April 26th. The third and final date is May 24th. Register online at to receive the link for the event. Or call 913-294-4306…
Read ArticleThe Social Security Administration will never threaten, scare, or pressure you to take an immediate action. If you receive a call, text, or email that… Threatens to suspend your Social Security number, even if they have part or all of your Social Security number Warns of arrest of legal action Demands or requests immediate payment…
Read ArticleThe Brain Injury Association of Kansas and Great Kansas City is presenting Moving Foward with a Brain Injury. This presentation is on Saturday, November 13th from 9:00am to 2:00pm at the Menorah Medical Center in Overland Park. Those who have had a concussion or brain injury along with family members, friends, or caregivers are encourage…
Read ArticleRCIL is hosting an Independence Celebration to celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 31st Anniversary on July 28, 2021 in Osage City! Food will be provided. Come and celebrate with us! Check out the flyer below for details.
Read ArticleThe recently updated RCIL Consumer-Directed Handbook is now available. In it you can find information on how to direct your own care and be the employer of your Direct Support Workers (DSW). Information in the handbook includes tips on advertising and interviewing potential Direct Support Workers, using the AuthentiCare KS Electronic Visitor Verification system, background…
Read ArticleEvergy will be resuming residential disconnects on Monday, May 3rd. Evergy will not be offering any special pay agreements after Friday. If you have a large balance that has previously been on a pay agreement, please contact Evergy by Friday to get a quote to set up a pay agreement. You will also need to…
Read ArticleIf you are thinking of hosting or are already a vaccination site, view the handouts below for some tips and resources on making the vaccination process a more comfortable and accessible experience for people with disabilities and older adults. It has a list of examples on how to provide reasonable accommodations and they are categorized…
Read ArticleIf you are interested in learning about Telehealth the following training might be good for you. The Fab 4: Connected, Device, Platform, Appointment This training will help families learn how to access health appointments via their smart device. The trainings are offered March 16th 6:00pm-7:30pm or April 15th 6:00pm-7:30pm both on Zoom. To learn more…
Read ArticlePeer Counseling is a Core Service that RCIL offers to people with disabilities. RCIL helps them connect with other people who have, or have experienced, a disability by hosting an online RCIL Friends group once a month. The group meets virtually via Zoom on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 2:00pm – 3:00pm. They…
Read ArticleOklahoma School for the Deaf is offering free ASL I & II classes online. It is a 8 week pre-recorded course February 15-April 5. Classes will upload every Monday at 6:00pm. Certificates are available upon request after you satisfy course requirements. For more information contact Sarah Jameson or Kara Floyd
Read ArticleA Virtual Celebration with Judith Heumann Judith Heumann, internationally recognized disability rights leader and activist, will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and October’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month virtually with the University of Kansas and the Lawrence communities and guests worldwide on October 28-29, 2020. Heumann’s visit is organized…
Read ArticleThe ECKAN Weatherization Assistance Program is accepting applications for individuals in Allen, Anderson, Bourbon, Chase, Coffey, Douglas, Franklin, Greenwood, Johnson, Linn, Lyon, Miami, Morris, Osage, Woodson and Wyandotte counties. Eligible individuals include home owners and renters that meet household income levels. If anyone in the household receives one or more of the following sources of…
Read ArticleDo you have a mobility – related disability? Looking to lose weight? We are offering a research weight management program that provides: diet plan physical activity social interaction without leaving your home! All participants must be over the age of 18 and willing to: Being randomized to either individual home visits or group participation via…
Read ArticleDo you have an issue or a goal that you need some assistance to achieve? Perhaps you can’t afford that piece of medical equipment you need? Is your goal is to make a cake, learn how to budget, or find a job? RCIL’s Independent Living Specialists work with people with disabilities to help them resolve…
Read ArticleResearchers from The University of Michigan are asking women 18-50 years old with physical disabilities to take part in surveys about their experiences related to women’s health issues. Surveys can be done from home and compensation is available. The amount you receive will depend on the number of surveys you are eligible to complete. See…
Read ArticleThe Kansas Disability Caucus, Inc. Board has five positions up for election each beginning January 1, 2020 for a two year term. They are seeking individuals who want to join the group to organize and coordinate activities that promote independent living of all people with disabilities through collaboration, networking, education, planning, and peer-to-peer interaction, including…
Read ArticleDo you have a mobility – related disability and are looking to lose weight? You may be eligible for the University of Kansas Medical Center Research Study. This weight management program provides diet guidance, physical activity and social interaction without leaving your home! All participants must be over the age of 18 with a mobility…
Read ArticleThe 2019 Medicare Annual Enrollment Period is October 15th to December 7th. Medicare Part D is known as Prescription Drug Plan. Individuals who have Medicare Part D can explore, compare drug plan options, and choose a plan that will meet their needs during annual enrollment. The plan they choose will go into effect on January…
Read ArticlePlease join us for an informative session on Self-Directing your Home and Community Based Services. Topics will include information on: How to Recruit, Select, Interview, Hire, Train, Supervise and Dismiss Direct Support Workers (DSWs) Understanding Enhanced Care Services (Sleep Cycle Support) KS AuthentiCare (the Electronic Visit Verification Call In System) Having a Backup Plan (of…
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