Thirty three years ago on July 26, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law signed by President George H.W. Bush. ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life such as jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open…
Read ArticleEach spring Brain Injury Association of Kansas and Greater Kansas City (BIAKS) sponsors a day on the hill in Topeka to educate state legislators about brain injury and potential legislative initiatives that will help improve the lives of those affected by this injury. Join BIAKS for this year’s FREE event on Tuesday, March 14. This event…
Read ArticleThe Kansas Disability Caucus (KDC) Board is accepting applications for six positions on their Board. Click on this link to view the application, which includes a brief history of KDC and what they are looking for in potential board members. All positions begin on January 1, 2023 for a two-year term. If you are interested to…
Read ArticleThe Statewide Independent Living Council of Kansas (SILCK) is in the process of preparing the next 3‐year State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL), one of its federally‐mandated duties. As part of that process, the Council is seeking input from people with disabilities regarding issues that are critical to their living as independently and inclusively as possible…
Read ArticleI attended the Kansas Disability Caucus earlier this month and was able to not only be present a session but attended some fabulous sessions. The one that stuck out the most, and I can’t stop thinking about, was presented by Robert Cooper who works for the Kansas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.…
Read ArticleThe Disability Caucus is scheduled to be held in-person August 10-12th in Topeka. It is a chance for Kansans with disabilities to come together and discuss the challenges they face in their communities and to identify potential solutions to overcome those challenges. Registration is now open! Click on the document link below for more information.
Read ArticleK-State Research and Extension Office is hosting a 3 day, 6 part learning series called Aging Well. The first date has already past but the second date is approaching next week, April 26th. The third and final date is May 24th. Register online at to receive the link for the event. Or call 913-294-4306…
Read ArticleAugust 10-12th in Topeka Join other Kansans with disabilities to come together and share challenges, barriers, ideas, and solutions at the Disability Caucus. More details coming soon…
Read ArticleA photographic identification document is required to vote in Kansas. Any person who does not have a valid identification document may receive a fee waiver when applying for a Kansas nondriver’s ID (ID Card). All you have to do is fill out the form below (first link) and show evidence of voter registration. Below is…
Read ArticleRCIL is hosting an Independence Celebration to celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 31st Anniversary on July 28, 2021 in Osage City! Food will be provided. Come and celebrate with us! Check out the flyer below for details.
Read ArticleParents and students! Here is your chance to advocate and provide feedback on transition services. The Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities (KUCDD) is conducting listening sessions as part of a policy analysis on transition from school to community living for youth and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). They are interested in hearing…
Read ArticleIf you are thinking of hosting or are already a vaccination site, view the handouts below for some tips and resources on making the vaccination process a more comfortable and accessible experience for people with disabilities and older adults. It has a list of examples on how to provide reasonable accommodations and they are categorized…
Read ArticleEmpowHer Camp is a fun and exciting one year program for girls with disabilities ages 13-17 EmpowHer Camp starts with one week of adventurous camping in the Adirondacks where they explore nature, make friends, and laugh around the campfire. They also connect with mentors who will help them set goals and achieve them! After the…
Read ArticleA Virtual Celebration with Judith Heumann Judith Heumann, internationally recognized disability rights leader and activist, will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and October’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month virtually with the University of Kansas and the Lawrence communities and guests worldwide on October 28-29, 2020. Heumann’s visit is organized…
Read ArticleTomorrow, July 14th, is the last day to register to vote for the primary election on August 4th. You may register online, by mail, or in person. The link to register is According to the process for an absentee ballot is as follows: To vote by mail, follow these instructions: Complete the application for…
Read ArticlePlease take a few moments to review this message from the Kansas Disability Rights Center: “The Disability Rights Center (DRC) of Kansas is our State’s Protection and Advocacy system for people with disabilities. DRC Kansas provides advocacy services and legal representation at no charge in certain disability cases where the civil or legal rights of…
Read ArticleFollow the link to Time Magazine’s article- People With Disabilities Face Challenges Campaigning for Office. This Group Wants to Change That. This article discusses how the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) is hosting webinars to help people with disabilities became strong leaders and enter politics.
Read ArticleThe State’s workforce development team is currently seeking input from job seekers/students from all across Kansas. The sessions begin next week so act fast! Please contact Shanna Jager at 785.532.6251 or email for more information. You can also check out these flyers for more specific information on each of the upcoming sessions in Wichita,…
Read ArticleWatch the following video on how our RCIL Friends’ Group in Emporia was able to advocate for more accessible crosswalks! “Stoplights Don’t Stop Us!” “Stoplights Don’t Stop Us!” with audio description:
Read ArticleOn Tuesday, August 22nd an Action Alert went out to over 14,000 people asking people to take 30 seconds to fill out a form to ask their legislators to cosponsor the Disability Integration Act. Of all the people from KS, 4 responded to this alert and of those who responded, 2 were from your District…
Read ArticleRCIL will be hosting a voter registration drive at each office (locations listed below) on July 11th from 8:00am-3:00pm. The primary election is on August 2nd and in order to vote you must be registered with correct documentation by July 12th. Independent Living Specialists and other staff will be available on July 11th to help with…
Read ArticleThe Statewide Independent Living Council of Kansas, Inc. will be hosting a public comment forum over the State Plan for Independent Living(SPIL) for FFY 2017 to FFY 2019 on March 30th from 10am to 12pm. This is an opportunity to gather input, share comments and ask questions on the proposed SPIL. The forum will be…
Read ArticleDon’t forget, November 4th is the General Election. If you are not able to vote that day, Kansas is one of the many states who allow early voting (by anyone). If you require assistance with voting you may have someone enter the booth with you. That person could be your family/friend or someone working at the election poll. …
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Public Comment on KanCare Renewal
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is offering opportunities to attending public meetings regarding the State’s proposed renewal of the KanCare program and to provide comments about the renewal request application. The public comment period will run from October 20-November 20, 2017. Comments will be accepted until midnight on November 20th and the…
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