Mandy Smith
RCIL will be hosting it’s annual Trunk or Treat on October 30th from 5:00pm-6:00pm. It is held at our Osage City office (1137 Laing). As always we will have candy, goodies, and FREE hot dogs! Bring your family out to enjoy a fun filled evening. If you would like to donate to this effort or…
Read ArticleThe Resource Center for Independent Living, Inc. (RCIL) is pleased to announce that it has received an $826 grant from the Kansas Health Foundation-El Dorado Fund through the El Dorado Community Foundation affiliate of Central Kansas Community Foundation. The organization will use the funds for Resource Library Technology Improvements at the El Dorado RCIL office.…
Read ArticleBradford and Bryan Manning, were diagnosed with Stargardt’s (a form of macular degeneration) at a young age. They have since started a clothing company, “Two Blind Brothers” that profits help with finding a cure for blindness. Something I thought was awesome, is they have Braille incorporated in all of their clothing. Here is a clip…
Read ArticleI thought I would switch things up a bit and instead of posting about what other places were doing or events going on, I’d talk about myself. This week I celebrated 10 years at RCIL. Crazy to think how far I’ve come in those 10 years professionally and personally. The older blind program that I…
Read ArticleFollow the link to Time Magazine’s article- People With Disabilities Face Challenges Campaigning for Office. This Group Wants to Change That. This article discusses how the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) is hosting webinars to help people with disabilities became strong leaders and enter politics.
Read ArticleRCIL is participating in the Chiefs Ticket Fundraiser again this year. This year is a little different as the tickets range in price but RCIL will receive $10 per ticket! There are 10 home games to chose from this season. New this year you can purchase tickets to Monster Jam and International Champion Cup both…
Read ArticleEmployment First Summit is an opportunity for professionals, employers, job coaches, caregivers, people with disabilities, family members, students, etc. to learn about raising awareness, increasing opportunities, and sustaining competitive, integrated employment for people with disabilities. This event is FREE thanks to our sponsor Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities and will be held Friday, May 3rd. …
Read ArticleThe Ms. Wheelchair Kansas (MWKS) crowning ceremony is scheduled for Sunday, March 3, 2019, 2 p.m. at the DoubleTree Hotel in Lawrence, Kan. The ceremony will be open to the public and free of charge. It will include platform speech presentations by the contestants; a keynote speech from Ms. Wheelchair Missouri, Hilary Muehlberger; farewell from…
Read ArticleFebruary is Low Vision Awareness month so I’d like to share some knowledge on this topic. 1.) Low vision is a vision loss that makes it difficult to accomplish visual tasks even with the best possible correction, but with the potential for use of available vision, with or without optical or non-optical compensatory visual strategies,…
Read ArticleMacy Collins, ILS in our El Dorado office, attended the Kidzfest on Saturday, January 5th. This was held at Blackmore Elementary School and included fun activities, exhibits, and information about community resources. If you’d like more information about Kidzfest you can follow them on Twitter @eldokidzfest or KIDZFEST El Dorado on Facebook.
Read ArticleIf you or someone you know has a mobility limitation or chronic illness and wants to be more physically active in 2019, we have you covered! The “14 Weeks to a Healthier You” program is a FREE online exercise and nutrition program for people with disabilities. Sign up now and start moving more this year!…
Read ArticleAll RCIL offices will be closed on December 24th and 25th for observance of Christmas. They will also be closed on January 1st, 2019 for New Year’s Day. Thank you and Happy Holidays to All!
Read ArticleRCIL would like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! All offices will be closed Thursday, November 22nd and Friday, November 23rd. We will reopen Monday, November 26th at 8:00am.
Read ArticleHow about them Chiefs! If you missed your chance to see them with our fundraiser you’ll be happy to know three more games have been added for next month! Tickets are $33.50 and RCIL will receive $10 of that! Supplies are limited so get your tickets soon! Thank you for supporting RCIL and Go Chiefs!
Read ArticleFall seems like a busy time of the year for everyone and here are some more items for your list: Register to vote! Tomorrow, October 16th, is the last day to register to vote in the election on November 6th. The disability population holds the largest amount of voters! Don’t forget, if it’s difficult to…
Read ArticleDo you shop on Amazon? If so you can donate to RCIL without spending any extra money! RCIL has registered with AmazonSmile Foundation which 0.5% of eligible purchases from Amazon are donated to a charity of the shopper’s choice. All you have to do is when you go to it will ask you to…
Read ArticleThe Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services also known as KDADS is seeking feedback from Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) stakeholders as they are planning waiver renewals. KDADS will be hosting regional meetings along with two options to call in. These forums are opportunities for KDADS to hear feedback on what you think…
Read ArticleThere will be changes made to the KanCare program but they will not affect your eligibility for the program. The state will be hosting non-mandatory meetings next week including one in Olathe, Wichita, and a conference call. State staff will be present at meetings to provide information on what is and what is not changing…
Read ArticleSupport Resource Center for Independent Living, Inc. by going to a Kansas City Chiefs game! It’s fun and easy! Click here to purchase your tickets: KC Chiefs Tickets Choose as many tickets as you would like and enter the promo code: RCILINC RCIL will receive $10 for each ticket purchased. Each ticket costs $33.50. Funds raised will…
Read ArticleResearchers from The University of Michigan Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation are doing a research project on women’s health and disability. They are interested in connecting with women with physical disabilities living in Lyon County. We are helping spread the word to women in our community! The researchers want to hear from you and…
Read ArticleI’m sure you have seen “Awareness Month” for one reason or another from month to month. I know April is almost over but I thought I’d share some facts and resources about this month’s observations including Autism Awareness and Parkinson’s Awareness. Autism Awareness Month Autism short of Autism Spectrum Disorder is a development disability 1 out of 68 children have…
Read ArticleWednesday, April 18th, in Emporia attend a free seminar on everything you need to know about renting! This training is for landlords ( or tenants ( Follow link or call (785) 234-0217 for more information or to register.
Read ArticleCheck out State Independent Living Council of Kansas’ annual report below. SILCK Annual Report (PDF) SILCK Annual Report (text only) For questions or more information contact Kathy Cooper (785) 234-6990 or
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