Seeking Donations of Durable Medical Equipment
Posted June 30, 2015 by Mandy Smith in Assistive Technology
The Resource Center for Independent Living Inc. is seeking donations of new or gently used durable medical equipment to be refurbished and given to Kansans with disabilities or health conditions through Kansas Equipment Exchange, a statewide program operated by Assistive Technology for Kansans.
Types of equipment being sought include manual and powered wheelchairs, communication devices, hospital beds, bariatric equipment, gait trainers, chargers for power devices, specialized car seats, feeding pumps, aluminum entry ramps and other items.
Donations can be dropped off next week between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday at Resource Center for Independent Living Inc., 1507 S.W. 21st St., suite 203.
If unable to bring the equipment to the office, individuals can contact the Kansas Equipment Exchange at (800) 526-3648 and arrange for pick-up. Likewise, those in need of equipment to stay in their home or for health reasons can contact the same number to request assistance