Kansas Infinitec Coalition Outstanding Student Technology Awards
Posted December 5, 2012 by Mandy Smith in Assistive Technology
I am so pleased to be here at the Kansas Infinitec Coalition Outstanding Student Technology Awards luncheon. This award luncheon is to honor students who are using assistive technology to better their learning experiences. This luncheon is a “Celebration to the power of technology that these students are using” Paul Dulle, President and CEO UCPGC/Infinite said.
The students who are receiving awards include:
Sydney Axelson, Stockton USD 271 who uses the iPad, iPhone, communication devices, board maker, news to use, and Microsoft Office. Sydney is active with Special Olympics and can give her dog voice commands with her communication device.
Roy Blosser, Goessel USD 411 who uses a Braille writer, white cane, and many talking devices. His “favorite piece of technology is my old fashion record player.” Roy is a major Elvis Presley fan.
Kassidy Kent, El Dorado USD 490 who uses the iPad with many apps including a hear loss simulator app along with a video phone. Kassidy enjoys sports and cheer leading.
Dalton Morris, Burlingame USD 454 who uses the iPad with Dragon, digital whiteboard, Cloud. Dalton has become a role model to students and teacher on how to use technology. Dalton enjoys the outdoors including hunting and four-wheelers.
Darby Reimer, Garden City USD 457 who uses a white cane, Braille writer, electronic note taker, and tactual books. Darby loves her stuff animals and her family.
Garrett Turner, Oskloosa USD 341 who uses a white cane, Braille writer, Apex note taker, computer, Braille embossed, screen reader, abacus, Trekker Breeze – talking GPS. Garrett loves technology and playing with his sister, friends and pets.
Patrick Twiss, Garden City USD 457 who uses a live scribe pen, lap top, iPad and mobility devices. Patrick likes to work out at the YMCA and wants to attend a 4-year university to get a degree in web design.
Shawn Voss, Stockton USD 271 who uses iPod, video modeling, board maker, Microsoft Excel. Shawn loves sports and 80s music. Shawn used his iPod to play his thank you speech.
Jennifer Barnhart, Director of Special Education for USD 501 was also honored as the annual Outstanding Professional.
These students with the use of assistive technology are not only able to be in the classroom with their peers but also learn so much more. A special thank you to their teachers, assistive technology specialists, para-educators, and parents of these fabulous students with disabilities.